Staying in touch
Participants were James Hilliard, FOH chair, Hiratsuka City Youth Section Leaders and members of HIEA (Hiratsuka International Exchange Association), Friends of Lawrence officers, Bob and Patsy Moody, Aikko Takeyma (Director of KU East Asian Studies), and Carol Shankel (not pictured), all members of the FOH committee in Sister Cities Lawrence.

The Sacred Stone, Iⁿ ‘zhúje ‘waxóbe
This is one i a series of articles written by a Lawrencian and published in the Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger in Eutin on

Exceptional Teachers at the Center of Pandemic Education
This is one in a series of articles written by a Lawrencian originally published in the ‘Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger’ in Eutin on May 5, 2021.
How are we educating America’s youth during the 2020 global pandemic? …

A pandemic retirement
This is one in a series of articles written by Lawrencians and published in Eutin’s Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger on March 4, 2021.
After 30 years as a judge on the Kansas Court of Appeals, Joe was scheduled for his last hearings on March 17 followed by a reception . . .

No rescue for Santa Claus
This is one in a series of articles written by a Lawrencian originally published in the Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger in Eutin on December 24, 2020.
Public celebrations of Christmas will be a bit different in Lawrence, Kansas, this year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some events will be…

The phoenix rises again
(reprint: 12/9/2020) This is one in a series of reprinted articles written by Lawrencians for the Osthosteinisher Anzeiger, an Eutin newspaper.
The Lawrence City seal portrays a Phoenix bird rising from ashes to immortality. Our current conditions are just that.

Virus Jolts Elections in Lawrence Kansas
(reprint 10/24/2020) This is one in a series of reprinted articles written by a Lawrencian for the Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger, an Eutin newspaper.

Exchange by Videoconference
This is one in a series of reprinted articles from the Ostholsteinischer Anzeiger, the Eutin newspaper.
Lawrence students, who were to go to Hiratsuka and Eutin in the summer, as well as their partners in Eutin and Hiratsuka, who were planning to come to Lawrence later, all had to learn that this year, for the first time in 30 years, there will be no student exchanges with our sister cities.

Invitation to Trivia Game 2021
On Sunday, March 7, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., the Governing Board of Sister Cities Lawrence invites members and friends to join in a trivia game. Time to create your team!