Iniades Οινιάδες / Katochi, Messolonghi, Greece

Our Greek Sister City of Iniades (Οινιάδες, pronounced “Ē-nē-AH-thes”) is one of several small towns within the municipality of Messolonghi, the prefecture capital with approximately 13,000 inhabitants. The Ancient City of Oiniades is rich with history and mythology.  It is mentioned in many ancient works, including the play Women of Trachis by Sophocles. Established in 6th century B.C., Ancient Oiniades was an island famous for its wine; the ancient Greek word for wine is oinos (οίνος), hence the name. Eventually, the sea filled with soil, attaching modern-day Iniades to the mainland.  Because of those rich soil deposits, the entire area is now known for agriculture.  The village of Katochi, nearest to Ancient Oiniades and its famed theatre, hosts the summer theatre festival.


Our Sister City agreement

The Lawrence - Iniades partnership, established in 2009, is in the process of renewal. Its full potential is yet to be realized by enthusiastic leaders both here and in Messolonghi. The original Sister City agreement was made with Katochi, location of the ancient site, Iniades, where the KU Department of Theater semiannual study abroad program was hosted. Since Katochi has been incorporated into the municipality of Messolonghi, plans are being made to officially reflect that change.



Contact the Chair of the Friends-of-Iniades Committee, Bob Schumm, (, for information about meetings. Volunteer for this committee on your annual SCL membership renewal.  Suggest your own area of interest for hosting or initiating an internship in Greece.




The initial youth exchange with Iniades occurred in 2019. Eight teens, grades 8-10 were accepted; they met with a chaperone, Amy Meyers, Latin teacher at Bishop Seabury Academy, for six orientation sessions starting in January. In July they flew to Athens, then traveled by bus to Katochi. They lived 6 days with host families in Iniades, Katochi, and Messolonghi. Excursions included stays on Corfu and in Athens.  

To reciprocate, 8 students and 2 chaperones expected to visit Lawrence for about 10 day home-stays the following year. Due to the Covid pandemic their visit was delayed until December of 2021. See more details on the Timeline. Further exchanges are on hold until the revised agreement can be finalized.

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Greek Theater

Every two years University of Kansas theater students travel to Greece through a KU Study Abroad Program led by Prof. Dennis Christilles, KU Department of Theater and Dance. They live, dormitory style, in an elementary school in Katochi for six weeks of rehearsals. The program’s culminating production is performed in Greek and English with the aid and participation of Dimitra Pitsikou and students form her language school.

For more information:  and


Citizens should use this opportunity to culturally enrich themselves, meet new people, and make new friends. Delegations that will further the Sister City relationship may be created in either Lawrence or Messolonghi. Interested parties wishing to participate in delegations should join Sister Cities Lawrence, contact the Chair of Friends-of-Iniades or a SCL Governing Board member to declare one’s interest, agree to pay one’s own travel expenses, and participate in orientation meetings.



History of our partnership

In 1986 a theatre symposium conducted at the 4th century BC Oeniades Ancient Theatre by Professor Emeritus Andrew Tsubaki of the University of Kansas marked the re-opening of the theatre for performances. Performances have continued biannually through the KU Summer Theatre & Dance in Oiniades program, for more than thirty years. Since the plays are conducted partly in English, partly in Greek, and include locals in the chorus, they provide community and tourist entertainment.

During July and August 2008 numerous meetings were held between leadership in Lawrence Sister Cities, Iniades representatives, Lawrence city officials, KU Theater and Film faculty, and students who had participated in KU summer programs. Discussion was centered around a letter of interest from the mayor of Iniades for creating a Sister City connection. Consequently the Friends-of-Iniades group was established in November 2008 in Lawrence.  A sister cities agreement was approved and signed October 20, 2009 by Lawrence Mayor Robert Chestnut and Iniades Mayor Adonios Aletras.
