Governing Board

Affairs of Sister Cities Lawrence are conducted by an elected governing board. Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Contact the chair in advance to join the meeting. 

The Governing Board is shown at their March 2024 meeting at Watkins Museum. Left to right: B. Schumm, J. Hilliard, C. Shipley (on-screen), S. Hamilton, S. Lechtenberg-Kasten, and K. Albrecht. Seated, left to right, are J. Miller, K. Scholz, and B. Keel. Not shown are K. Hodge and the mayor’s designee.

The Honorary Chair is appointed annually by the Mayor. All other Governing Board members are elected to serve 3-year terms. Terms expire at the end of the year shown in parenthesis.

Honorary Chair (2025):

Chair (2027): Bill Keel -

Vice-Chair/ Treasurer (2027): Kelly Scholz -

Secretary (2026): Courtney Shipley -

Membership Chair (2026): Sheri Hamilton -

Friends of Eutin (2025): Ken Albrecht -

Friends of Hiratsuka (2026): James Hilliard -

Friends of Iniades (2025): Bob Schumm -

Friends of Tocopilla (2026): Sara Lechtenberg-Kasten -

Member at large (2025): Jan Miller -

Member at large (2025): Kathleen Hodge -

2024 Committees

Audit: Kelly Scholz, chair

Chaperone: Kathleen Hodge, chair; K. Albrecht, J. Hilliard, B. Schumm

Publicity/Public Relations: Jan Miller, chair

Financial Aid: Bill Keel, chair

Financial Aid Fundraiser: Diana Carlin Pierron, chair -

Website: Phyllis Farrar, chair -

Please volunteer for committees, “Friends-of-…” groups, and positions on the Governing Board. New committees form at the beginning of each calendar year. Feel free to contact any committee chair to volunteer

Policies and Forms

2025 Hiratsuka student application packet

Chaperone Committee Chair Job Description
Chaperone Selection Process
Financial Aid Policy
Financial Aid Application

Membership definitions
Membership/Donation form

Reimbursement form for committee & governing board expenses

Website Photo Policy


Monthly Governing Board meetings normally take place on 2nd Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at Watkins Community Museum. Contact the Chair (see list above) if you wish to attend.






  • Budget (approved at 2020 Annual Meeting)
  • January
  • February
  • [March][33]
  • [April][34]
  • [May][35]
  • [June][36]
  • [July ][37]
  • [August][38]
  • [September][39]
  • [October][40]
  • [November][41]
  • December
  • Annual Membership Meeting [41]: /s/11-10-21_sclboardminutes.pdf [40]: /s/10-2021_sclboardminutes.pdf [39]: /s/9-2021sclboardminutes.pdf [38]: /s/8-2021_sclboardminutes.pdf [37]: /s/7-14-2021_sclboardminutes.pdf [36]: /s/6-9-2021_sclboardminutes.pdf [35]: /s/5-12-2021sclboardminutes.pdf [34]: /s/4-14-2021_sclboardminutes.pdf [33]: /s/3-10-2021sclboardminutes.pdf




Bylaws and Agreements

Sister Cities Lawrence - Bylaws - December, 2023

Eutin Agreement

Hiratsuka Agreement

Iniades Agreement (in English)

Iniades Agreement (in Greek)

Tocopilla Agreement (dual language)

City Ordinance, 1987, est. Sister Cities Advisory Board

City Resolution, 1990, est. Hiratsuka Sister City

History of Lawrence Sister Cities Advisory Board & Sister Cities Lawrence

In September 1986 Mayor Sandy Praeger and the Lawrence City Commission appointed Marnie Argersinger and Carol Shankel to organize a sister cities steering committee. The Commission assigned two tasks: to study and recommend an organizational structure that could implement one or more sister city relationships; and, to find a sister city in Japan.

Less than a year later, June 16, 1987 the Lawrence City Commission passed an ordinance to create a Sister Cities Advisory Board. Carol Shankel was elected as the first chair of the advisory board. Two proposals soon emerged involving cities in Germany and Japan.  

Agreements with Lawrence’s first two sister cities were negotiated within a relatively short time; with Eutin in 1989 and Hiratsuka in 1990. The University of Kansas German Department had held summer language institutes in Eutin since 1966, through which strong cooperative relationships had developed. Likewise, academic colleagues at the University of Kansas and Kanagawa University provided links to the city of Hiratsuka, Japan. Eventually, a third sister city agreement developed with Iniades/Katohi, Greece based on the relationship between University of Kansas Department of Theater and Dance and the Ancient Theater of Iniades. The agreement with the municipality of Katohi was finalized in 2009. The basis for the 4th agreement in 2024 came about through a US Department of Energy Net Zero World Initiative.

In 2018 the city of Lawrence’s Sister City Advisory Board drew up by-laws to become an independent non-profit with the name of Sister Cities Lawrence. The business of the organization is conducted by a governing board. The mayor appoints a commissioner to sit on the board each year.

Visit each timeline to learn how interactions evolve between Lawrence and our sister cities.

Eutin Timeline
Hiratsuka Timeline
Iniades Timeline